Investor Relations.
Periodic Reports
Selected financial data (in thousands) | 01.01.2022 31.01.2022 | 01.01.2022 31.01.2022 | 01.01.2021 31.03.2021 | 01.01.2021 31.03.2021 |
Item / Year | PLN | EUR | PLN | EUR |
I. Income from core business | 203 837 | 43 862 | 2 821 207 | 617 048 |
II. Profit / Loss on core business | -1 214 660 | -261 375 | 2 197 895 | 480 719 |
III. Profit / Loss before tax | -1 035 576 | -222 839 | 2 349 538 | 513 886 |
IV. Net profit / loss | -1 045 717 | -225 021 | 2 372 602 | 518 930 |
V. Total comprehensive income | -1 045 717 | -225 021 | 2 372 602 | 518 930 |
VI. Net cash flows from operating activities | -462 603 | -99 545 | -485 741 | -106 240 |
VII. Net cash flows from investing activities | -933 075 | -200 782 | -2 834 459 | -619 947 |
VIII. Net cash flows from financing activities | 44 959 | 9 675 | 27 148 | 5 938 |
IX. Total net cash flow. | -1 350 719 | -290 652 | -3 293 052 | -720 249 |
X. Total assets | 91 214 855 | 19 605 557 | 50 900 112 | 10 922 068 |
XI. Long-term liabilities | 222 235 | 47 767 | 87 183 | 18 708 |
XII. Current liabilities | 79 469 | 17 081 | 33 850 | 7 263 |
XIII. Kapitał własny | 90 913 150 | 19 540 709 | 50 779 079 | 10 896 097 |
XIV. Equity capital | 2 984 000 | 641 376 | 2 984 000 | 640 302 |
XV. Number of shares (in pcs.) | 29 840 000 | 6 413 756 | 29 840 000 | 6 403 021 |
XVI. Profit / loss per ordinary share (in PLN / EUR) | 0,08 | 0 | 0,08 | 0 |
XVII. Diluted profit / loss per ordinary share (in PLN / EUR) | 0,08 | 0 | 0,08 | 0 |
XVIII. Book value per share (in PLN / EUR) | 3,05 | 1 | 1,70 | 0 |
Applied exchange rates: individual items of the statement of financial position are converted into EUR according to the average exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland as at the balance sheet date:
– for as of March 31, 2021, at the rate of 4.6603 PLN / EUR, table of average exchange rates of the National Bank of Poland No. 062 / A / NBP / 2021
– for the period of March 31, 2022, at the rate of 4.6525 PLN / EUR, table of average exchange rates of the National Bank of Poland No. 063 / A / NBP / 2022
2) individual items of the profit and loss account, statement of other comprehensive income and statement of cash flows are converted into EUR at the exchange rate being the arithmetic mean of the average exchange rates announced by the National Bank of Poland as of the last day of each completed month in a given reporting period:
– for the period 01.01-31.03.2021 at the rate of 4.5721 PLN / EUR,
– for the period 01.01-31.03.2022 at the rate of 4.6472 PLN / EUR.