- Founded date 2019
- Investment year 2021
- Transaction value 1M
- Shares held 30.09%
Poley.me is the bar of the future where bartenders will be able to whip up creative drinks, and an autonomous machine will relieve them of simple, repetitive tasks.
Poley.me is able to prepare 120 cocktails per hour, thereby increasing the capacity of bars and eliminating queues. Anyone who wants to buy a drink will be able to do so immediately and settle the payment via the app or at the machine. The innovation of fboosthe Polish autonomous bar is based on the RaaS (Robot as a service) business model and the comprehensive nature of the solution: the machine is able to accept orders and payment, and then issue drinks and receipts.

2019 - Czerwiec
Narodziny pomysłu stworzenia maszyny Poley.me.
2019 - Lipiec
Wzięcie udziału w programie: YCombinator Startup School.
2019 - Październik
Zawiązanie spółki Incredible Machines sp. z o.o..
2020 - Wrzesień
Zakończenie MVP maszyny oraz jej demonstracja w Concordia Design.
Ukończenie prototyp maszyny Poley.me. Akceleracja w FoodTech.ac oraz wykonanie testu w realnych okolicznościach (BeachBar), podczas których sprzedano pierwszych 400 drinków.
Poley.me was created by a group of friends from Wrocław, who came up with the idea of creating a drink machine on the roof of Renoma in Wrocław, in Urban Garden. Within a few months of the idea, they set up a company, then built a prototype of the machine, which we appreciated by investing 1 million zlotys in the project.
“Poley.me works well in crowded places such as clubs and discos or stadiums during mass events. The autonomous bar will serve guests in several dozen seconds, thus unloading the queues.”