Current Reports

Data publikacji: 03.06.2022

11/2022 (ESPI) – Opinion of the Supervisory Board on dividend payment

Management Board of VENTURE INC ASI S.A. (“Company”, “Issuer”), informs that on June 3, 2022, it learned about the decision made by the Supervisory Board of the Company, according to which it positively assessed the proposal and recommendation presented by the Management Board regarding the distribution of the Company’s net profit for the period from 01.01 .2021 to December 31, 2021. In accordance with the adopted resolution, the Supervisory Board recommends to the General Meeting the following division of the unit profit of Venture INC ASI S.A., which amounted to PLN 45,641,190.44:

– allocate the amount of PLN 42,358,790.44 to the supplementary capital of the Company

– allocate the amount of PLN 3,282,400.00 for the payment of dividends to shareholders; which means that the value of the dividend per share will be PLN 0.11;

– the dividend will cover 29,840,000 shares of the Company,

– planned date of establishing the shareholders entitled to dividend (Dividend Day): 07/08/2022,

– planned dividend payment date (Payment Date): 15/07/2022

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