Intelliseq commercializes its technology in Asia
Intelliseq, which has been in our portfolio since 2018, allows laboratories and research centers to scale their genomic analyses and expand their diagnostics capabilities. The company has just acquired new clients from Asia. The immediate plans of Intelliseq, founded by experts in the field of genetics, molecular biology and computational genomics, include a pre-IPO investment round and a possible debut on a European stock exchange.
Intelliseq has been creating bioinformatics tools for diagnostics, therapy and preventative care based on genetic data since 2014. The company’s latest technology – IntelliseqFlow – using AI and its own computational models, enables the comprehensive analysis of genetic data and the preparation of detailed clinical reports that are based on these analyses. As emphasized by Intelliseq representatives, sequencing the first human genome took 15 years and cost $3 billion. Today, the process only takes one day, and the price has dropped down to less than $1,000. dollars. However, for the comprehensive analysis of such large data sets, also realistically increasing the effectiveness of disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention — the appropriate tools and modern bioinformatics methods are needed — tools that don’t just require the knowledge of qualified scientists, but also the skills of IT teams.
This creates a growing niche for Polish-based Intelliseq. The company’s latest product is the IntelliseqFlow cloud platform. Its analytical paths are being implemented in the largest network of clinical laboratories in Indonesia – Prodia. This solution meets the needs of the global market – genetic diagnostics is one of the fastest growing sectors of biotechnology, and the NGS analysis market (i.e., next-generation sequencing) is expected to grow at a CAGR rate of 20.4 percent. and reach a value of approximately USD 14.1 billion by 2028.
– The creation of an individual genetic profile, the so-called “genetic passport”, makes it possible to attain a precise diagnosis and select the appropriate therapy, as well as take the best preventive measures based on individual genetic predispositions. The key, however, is the ability to process complex genomic data and interpret them in depth. Unfortunately, it turns out that the transfer of scientific knowledge to clinical practices is not so obvious. Today, laboratories dealing with molecular diagnostics often struggle with the problem of analyzing sequenced raw data. There is a lack of personnel specializing in this area of bioinformatics or specialized IT tools. The analysis process is complex, costly, and time-consuming. Often, it is simply incomplete, and therefore requires additional external expertise. We’ve managed to solve this problem comprehensively – explains Dr. Klaudia Szklarczyk-Smolana, CEO of Intelliseq, and adds that the IntelliseqFlow analytical platform is a product designed for global markets: it will go to large laboratories and research centers, as well as smaller entities dealing with molecular diagnostics
Another vestment round on its way
Having a product that’s ready-to-go, Intelliseq intends to allocate PLN 5 million for business development and new methods of implementation. At the same time, the company will also conduct a pre-IPO investment round by talking to select investors. The next step may also include a debut on a European stock exchange.
– Companies from the genetics sector are among the fastest growing, therefore, they can also bring above-average profits. The sequencing technology itself is evolving as well, which could be an opportunity for companies like Intelliseq that want to implement ambitious and revolutionary projects. The prospects are promising. The availability of full-gene sequencing is increasing and its price is falling. Ten years ago, the cost of reading the full DNA sequence of the human genome was around 8,000 dollars. Today it is at least eight times less. Bioinformatics solutions that facilitate the data analysis process are growing in demand. This is one of the reasons why we are involved in Intelliseq – says Jakub Sitarz, president of the board of (formerly Venture INC).
So far, the company has obtained over PLN 10 million in financing. Part of this amount is from public grants for R&D projects in the areas of genetic diseases, pharmacogenomics and consumer genetics. The company is also powered by capital from private sources – having received funding for business development from well-known business investment angel, Konrad Pankiewicz, and Marcin Mańdziak, president of the European Medical Fund.
Consistency in action
Intelliseq is constantly expanding its network of contacts and distributors in European and US markets, also carrying out research and development projects at the same time. For American customers, the Krakow-based company has created computational models for genetic tests, checking the predisposition to difficulties in learning to read and write, and the risk of certain features, such as food intolerances, among other types of models. Intelliseq’s capabilities also include a system for analyzing and interpreting the results of genome sequencing for the diagnosis of rare diseases, dedicated to precision medicine, and innovative technology for producing mobile applications for consumer genetics.
Intelliseq’s latest plans are discussed in Puls Biznesu.